Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Now let's step back to January 2010 when my husband I are talking separation. We are sitting on the couch having a drink and casually talking about how we have grown apart. We never fight, we sometimes argue, we are always together and it has been that way for the last 13 years. We even worked together so no wonder we were tired of each other. As we were talking about our relationship it dawned on me or I had what I call a "AH HA moment". We were treating each other just like how I treat my customers. We were polite, respectful and would make small chit chat through-out the day. I would be so exhausted when I arrived home that I had nothing to offer my husband and because he worked from home, he would be ready to engage in conversation with me. However n0w i am home and the business woman hat is taken off and the mom hat goes on. I have 45 minutes to cook dinner, spend time with my sons and be a wife until all the nighttime duties kick in. "Would you like me to gift wrap your dinner sir"?

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